November 11, 2013

November: Follow: Gratitude

There are many ways for us to express gratitude and follow the teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ.   We invite you to listen to this talk from our prophet, President Monson called "The Divine Gift of Gratitude."  Share it with your family as part of a family home evening lesson this month and discuss all of the things you are thankful.

Here are some other ways for you to express gratitude, not only in this month of thanksgiving, but always:

  • Start a gratitude journal.  Write daily something you are thankful for.
  • Write a thank you note to someone you love, or someone who has done something kind for you.
  • Express a gratitude prayer - one where you only thank Heavenly Father for all of your blessings and do not ask for more.
  • Set a goal to use the words "thank you" more often.
  • Perform an act of service to someone you love to show that you are grateful for them.
Here is a another broadcast by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to help you feel the spirit of Thanksgiving and Gratitude: