June 21, 2013

June: Follow: Forgivness

Our activity this month was a spirit filled, inspiring fireside called "Our Perfect Imperfections: For as she thinketh in her heart, so is she."  
We began the evening with beautiful prelude music played by Sister Williams on the violin and Sister Miner on the piano.  They are incredibly talented musicians and set the tone perfectly for the meeting.

Our Stake Patriarch and his wife were the key note speakers and they were incredible!  Their talks complimented each other so nicely. 
Sister Harker focused on forgiving ourselves of our weaknesses, using the Atonement to make up where we lack, and increasing our self-esteem through positive thinking.  She said, "Don't wait to be the person you want to be!" And quoted President Uchtdorf who said, "Resolve to find happiness today regardless of our circumstances.
Brother Harker taught us how to use our Patriarchal Blessings as a tool to guide our lives, and help us understand God's love.  He reminded us to prayerfully read our Patriarchal Blessings as they are a blessing full of personal revelation.  He taught us that some words and phrases will have different meanings throughout our lives as we go through different experiences.  Some blessings may not be realized in this life, but our Patriarchal Blessings are eternal.