June 9, 2013

June: Follow: Forgivness

Making mistakes is part of mortality.  Part of finding true joy is learning to forgive others and forgive yourself.   Elder Holland said, "Let people grow. Believe that people can change and improve.  Is that faith? Yes! Is that hope? Yes! Is that charity? Yes! Above all it is charity, the pure love of Christ." 

We invite you to watch this video called, "Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light."  Ponder on what it means to have your own burdens lightened when you are willing to forgive someone.  Is it a burden to withhold forgiveness from others?

We also invite you to learn more about what forgiveness really is by exploring this web page found on lds.org:  Happiness in Family Life - Forgiveness.  Read at least two of the articles highlighted on this page. Then apply what you learn in your own life by seeking forgiveness from Heavenly Father through the Atonement of His son Jesus Christ, forgiving yourself of past mistakes that have been properly repented of, and by extending forgiveness to someone who may have done something that hurt or upset you.  Make forgiveness part of your daily life!