May 19, 2013

May: Follow: Patience

Our Activity this month was focused on learning some skills in the art of Gardening. "With faith, diligence, patience, and a little creativity anyone can succeed in gardening" ( Gardening cultivates patience!

Sister Amy Wilde reminded us that "it's more important to be proud of a small garden than frustrated with a big one."

 And Sister Bobette Potter quoted President Uchtdorf who said, "The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter. What you create doesn’t have to be perfect. Don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you—whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside. If you still feel incapable of creating, start small. Try to see how many smiles you can create, write a letter of appreciation, learn a new skill, identify a space and beautify it."
 As you spend time in your own yards and gardens this summer remember the Christ-like attribute of patience. As we continue in patience, we will reap great rewards - just as we will reap what we sow in our gardens.