May 12, 2013

May: Follow: Patience

Did you know that there are over 40 verses of scripture that use a variant of the word patience?

Elder Joseph B. Worthlin said, "To the Latter-day Saints, the Lord gave patience as one of the divine attributes that qualifies a person for the mnistry (D&C 4:6), he counseled them to be patient in their afflictions (D&C 24:8; 31:9, 54:10, 98:23-24), and he admonished them to make their decisions in patience (D&C 107:30).  The Savior taught us to be perfect (Matt. 5:48; 3 Ne. 12:48) and said, "Ye are not able to abide in the presence of God now, neither the ministering of angels; wherefore, continue in patience until ye are perfect" (D&C 67-13).

Our invitation to you this month is to seek out these verses in the scriptures by looking up "patience" in the topical guide.  As you read through some of the verses, ponder on the Savior's example of patience.

Watch this talk by President Uchtdorf called "Continue in Patience."
 Once you have a list of some of your favorite scriptures, and some quotes from President Uchtdorf's talk, plan a family home evening lesson to teach the attribute of patience to your family.  You can show them the video posted last week (click here for the link).   Find an example from the life of Christ that you can share with your family.  Then invite everyone to become more sensitive to the examples of patience and impatience that occur around us every day, and strive to emulate those individuals we consider to be patient.