March 10, 2013

March: Follow: Friendship

Our challenge to you this month is to be "that friend" we have already talked about.  Elder Bednar taught that we are "agents to act and not objects to be acted upon."  This principle can be applied to many areas of our lives, but this month let's apply it to being a friend.  Let's act!  Don't sit and wait to be acted upon!  What can you do for yourself to ensure that you have friends? 

Read these three articles found in the Ensign this month to find answers to that question. (Click on each picture to open the article in a new window).

Here are some specific things we hope you will do to find new friends and strengthen current friendships.

*Notice when someone around you feels left out and invite them to be a part of what you are doing.
*Notice someone who is sitting alone in Relief Society and go sit by her.  Introduce yourself if she doesn't know you. Engage in a conversation and make a genuine effort to get to know her better.
*Remember what you learn about your new friends, and follow up with them later in the week on something they told you about.
*With the weather warming up invite your friends and neighbors to go for a walk or take the kids to a park.
*Write a note or send a text or email to let your friends know you care about them.
*If you have plans to go to the temple or other church activity invite your friends to go with you.
*Recognize a need of someone around you and then do something for them to help meet that need.
*If you have a strained friendship, do something kind for that friend and try to heal hurt feelings. 
*Be a more diligent visiting teacher.  Do more than just visit once a month.  Plan a lunch date, or a play date with the kids. Follow up with them after your visit to see how they're doing.  Visiting teaching opens the door to sincere friendship.

How can you follow the Savior's example of being a true friend?