April 7, 2013

April: Learn: Hope

Because of the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we can have hope for a brighter future, a brighter day, or even just a brighter moment.  The agony He faced in the Garden of Gethsemane is unfathomable to the finite mind.  He struggled and groaned under a burden such as no other being who has lived on earth might conceive as possible.  It was not only physical pain, nor mental anguish alone, that caused him to suffer and bleed from every pore; but a spiritual agony of soul such as only He was capable of experiencing.  In that hour of anguish Christ met and overcame all of the sorrow, pain, and suffering that would be experienced by the entire human race.
In Alma 7: 11-12 we read, "And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.  And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities."
"The word hope is sometimes misunderstood.  In our everyday language, the word often has a hint of uncertainty. For example we may say that we hope for a change in the weather or a visit from a friend.  In the language of the gospel, however, the word hope is sure, unwavering, and active" (True to the Faith pg. 85).  The prophet Moroni taught that "Whoso believeth in God might with a surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God."

The opposite of hope is despair.  Just as faith and fear cannot exist together, neither can hope and despair.  President Uchtdorf said, "Despair drains from us all that is vibrant and joyful and leaves behind the empty remains of what life was meant to be.  Despair kills ambition, advances sickness, pollutes the soul, and deadens the heart.  Despair can seem like a staircase that leads only and forever downward."  He continues, "Hope, on the other hand is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances.  It pierces the darkness with a brilliant dawn.  It encourages and inspires us to place our trust in the loving care of an eternal Heavenly Father, who has prepared a way for those who seek for eternal truth in a world of relativism, confusion, and fear."

"What is it that ye shall hope for?  Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of the resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise.  Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope" (Moroni 7:41-42).