August 12, 2013

August: Follow: Virtue

In November 2008 the Christ-like attribute of Virtue, was added as one of the values to the Young Women Program. The First Presidency stated, "This addition will assist young women in developing high moral standards.  We invite parents and leaders to teach the doctrine of chastity and moral purity to help each young woman to be virtuous and worthy to make and keep sacred covenants and receive the ordinances of the temple.”

Our invitation to you this month, is to complete at least two of the required value experiences from the Personal Progress program for the Young Women under the value "Virtue."  Click on the image below for a direct link to the Personal Progress book online - the required experiences will be found there.
We also invite to complete the Value Project for Virtue.  This is the project as stated in the Personal Progress Book: "The Savior chose to live a virtuous life. Follow His admonition to “learn of me” (D&C 19:23) by reading the entire Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Liken the scriptures to your life and circumstances. As you read, record your thoughts regularly in your journal. Note the example of the Savior. What did He and those who followed Him do to live virtuous lives? At the completion of your reading, record your testimony." 

The Book of Mormon is 531 pages long, if you set a goal to read it by the end of the year, you would have to read about 4.5 pages per day.  If that's too ambitious, set a goal to read it in 6 months, or even one year!  As you read, look for examples of the other Christ-like attributes we have already learned about, and will learn about this year.