July 7, 2013

July: Learn: Missionary

A missionary is "one who is sent on a mission, especially one sent to do religious or charitable works in a new territory or foreign country."  By this definition, would you consider Jesus Christ a missionary?  He left his Heavenly Home, came to this earth, and "walked the roads of Palestine, healing the sick, causing the blind to see, and raising the dead.  His gospel was a message of peace and goodwill.  He taught the truths of eternity, the reality of our pre-mortal existence, the purpose of our life on earth, and the potential for the sons and daughters of God in the life to come." (The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles).  Jesus Christ truly was the greatest missionary in the history of the world.  He is our perfect example of charitable and religious works.

This is just one example from His life of missionary work, where He teaches a Samaritan woman.
Here are five ways, as outlined by President Uchtdorf in the February 2013 issue of the Ensign magazine,  that we can follow His example and develop the Christ-like attribute of "missionary" in our lives :

1.  Be a light - President Uchtdorf quoted St. Francis of Assisi who said, "Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words."  Some of the most powerful sermons are unspoken.   When we have integrity and life consistently by our standards, people notice.  When we radiate joy and happiness, they notice even more.

2.  Be Conversational - Mentioning spiritual experiences or talking about Church activities or events in casual conversations can be easy and pleasant if we invest a little courage and common sense.  We should talk about our "mormon" lives with our friends and neighbors sharing with them the things we do as a family, in our callings, or other activities we attend.  Use "mormon" words in your everyday language and conversations with others.  This will open up lines of communications and may spark interest with someone less active, or even a non-member.

3.  Be Full of Grace -  Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."  It is so easy to be disagreeable.  It happens too often that we argue, belittle, and condemn.  When we become angry, rude, or hurtful with people the last thing they want is to learn more about us.  As disciples of Christ, we should have a higher more charitable standard.

4.  Be Filled with Faith - It's important for us to remember that the Lord doesn't expect us to do the converting.  Conversion comes not only through our words, but through the heavenly ministrations of the Holy Spirit.  We should have faith that the Lord can magnify the words we speak and make them mighty.  God doesn't ask us to convert, rather to open our mouths and share His gospel in faith.

5.  Every Member a Missionary - There are more ways than ever for us to open our mouths and share with others the joyful news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We can each find a way to use our own particular talents and interests in support of the great work of filling the world with light and truth.