April 21, 2013

April: Follow: Hope

For our activity this month, we were able to spend an evening learning about the importance of family history, and how to get started on this essential work. By doing this work, we are helping our ancestors realize the hope they have that we will find them, perform their temple ordinances, and give them the opportunity to have an eternal family, and eternal life. 

President Eyring said, "When you were baptized your ancestors looked down on you with hope.  Perhaps after centuries they rejoiced to see one of their descendants make a covenant to find them and to offer them freedom.  Their hearts are bound to you.  Their hope is in your hands."

Here is a link to help you get started on your own journey of seeking out your ancestors:  Family Search Getting Started.
And here is another link for more training videos to help you: Family Tree Training.

At our activity Sister Haslam shared this inspiring story about her grandfather who was a convert to the church: "My grandfather, Louis Felice, was born in the United States after his family migrated here from Italy.  He was converted to the gospel in his mid thirties, and there were not many records available for him to do his family history.  When he and my grandma retired, they decided to travel to Italy to search for family members and ancestral records.  After 3 weeks in Italy with no success, they decided to head home.  They were lost on a country road in Italy, trying to find their way to the airport, when my grandpa felt prompted to stop and ask directions from a man who was working in a field.  He returned to the car with the directions and was then prompted to ask the man his name. He shouted out to the man in Italian, "Sir, what is your name?"  The man replied, "Pietro Felice."  My grandpa was surprised to learn that this man was his first cousin.  He and my grandma were able to stay in Italy with him and other Felice family members.  They left Italy with a completed family line.  Coincidence or divine intervention?  I know that the Lord has His hand in this work, and will guide us as we strive to seek out our ancestors."

Elder Richard G. Scott said,  "Have you prayed about your own ancestors’ work? Set aside those things in your life that don’t really matter. Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences. Perhaps you have been prompted to look for ancestors but feel you are not a genealogist. Can you see that you don’t have to be anymore? It all begins with love and a sincere desire to help those beyond the veil who can’t help themselves. Check around. There will be someone in your area who can help you have success. This work is a spiritual work, a monumental effort of cooperation on both sides of the veil, where help is given in both directions. Anywhere you are in the world, with prayer, faith, determination, diligence, and some sacrifice, you can make a powerful contribution. Begin now. I promise you that the Lord will help you find a way. And it will make you feel wonderful.