January 6, 2013

January: Learn: Diligence

Martha received the Savior into her house 
Mary sat at Jesus’s feet and heard his word 
Martha was doing a good thing. She was preparing to serve dinner to Jesus and perhaps other disciples. 
Mary was also doing a good thing. She was listening to the Savior 
Jesus loved Martha just as much as he loved Mary, and Martha was not doing anything wrong in serving her Lord – we have all been asked to serve him. 
Many women believe that the Savior said that Mary chose “the better part.” But that is not what the scriptures say – He said she “chose that good part” and there is no suggestion that Martha had chosen a lesser part. His words to Martha however were these “One thing is needful.” Needful is the key word.  

For the month of January, we’d like to focus on being more diligent in those things that are “needful”.   

It's a good time of year to rededicate yourselves to the simple  "needful" things we are asked to do.  To be diligent in something means we give a constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken.

There are many things that are "needful" in our lives, but two things that are even essential are daily prayer and daily scripture study.

Here are two quotes that hopefully inspire you to be more diligent at reading your scriptures and saying your prayers:

Elder Cook said, "The word of God inspires commitment and acts as a healing balm for hurt feelings, anger or disillusionment."

President Monson said, "Prayer is the provider of spiritual strength; it is the passport to peace.  Miracles are wrought through prayer."

One last quote from President Uchtdorf to inspire you:
"May I invite you to rise to the great potential within you. But don’t reach beyond your capacity. Don’t set goals beyond your capacity to achieve. Don’t feel guilty or dwell on thoughts of failure. Don’t compare yourself with others. Do the best you can, and the Lord will provide the rest. Have faith and confidence in Him, and you will see miracles happen in your life and the lives of your loved ones. The virtue of your own life will be a light to those who sit in darkness, because you are a living witness of the fulness of the gospel. Wherever you have been planted on this beautiful but often troubled earth of ours, you can be the one to “succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.” Let us resolve to follow the Savior and work with diligence to become the person we were designed to become."